Aloha! We all live busy lives. Everyone has crazy schedules between work and home life. Are you making sure you are getting self-care? Do you know what self-care even looks like?
I for one did not understand what self-care was until very recently. I have been learning what taking care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually feels like. It’s hard. There’s no getting around the fact that taking care of yourself can be difficult.
There are many people who will list lots of different things to help you achieve self-care. It can quickly become very overwhelming! Instead of filling up your inbox with overwhelming emails, we at Aloha Spa will only give you a little bit at a time.
If something stands out to you, we hope you can incorporate it into your life. If something doesn’t click, feel free to just delete it! Here are 4 ways to ensure you get self-care:
Physical Self-Care:
What have you done today for you? Sometimes that looks like going for a short walk, going to the gym, hot yoga or cleaning out the garage. Yep sometimes getting things done where you can sweat it out and also unwind mentally is super healthy. We are not doctors here, we just know from our own experiences that physical activity is good for you!
Mental Self-Care:
Read a book! Reading has been known to can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and even help you live longer. For even better results, try reading something you can learn new things from that will help you succeed in your work and relationships. Knowledge is power!
Emotional Self-Care:
This can mean a lot, but take time to let yourself feel what is going on. Too often we numb ourselves, repress our emotions, and go about our days. Set apart some emotional time to sit, meditate, breathe, and jus listen to the silence.
Spiritual Self-Care:
Everyone has their own belief system. Most people believe there is a higher power. Make sure whatever you are doing, you’re acknowledging your higher power. It’s there to help you! Whether you believe in God, the universe or whoever/whatever, acknowledge it.
That’s it for this time! We hope you all have a wonderful week with lots of Aloha and some self-care! Mahalo!
– The Aloha Spa